I play the bagpipe, violin, and sing. When I was 7 years old, I started playing the violin. Many years of classical violin lessons followed. As a teenager I sang in the choir that took part in the annual musicals my highschool organised. After a brief sidestep to Irish fiddlemusic, I changed my violin for a bagpipe in 2007.
On this page you can see the bands I play in, or have played in. Book us for your event! (We are located in the Netherlands.)

Androneda is a Dutch balfolk band. We play traditional West-European dance music, but in a contemporary way! On bagpipe, accordeon and saxophone we mainly perform our own compositions. The central focus in our music is always its danceability. This is because balfolk is a type of ‘social dance’: focused on having fun together with live music. Our repertoire includes couple dances, like the bourrée, scottish, walz and mazurka, as well as group dances like a cercle, jig, rondeau en chaine, or andro.
De Soete Inval
De Soete Inval plays medieval music at historic festivals, medieval markets, and more. We play several different types of bagpipes, accompanied by a drum.

Tweedledum & Tweedledee
Tweedledum & Tweedledee was the first band I played in, together with Ernic Kamerich on the hurdy-gurdy. We played medieval and folk music on fantasy and medieval festivals. The band existed from 2010 until 2017.

In 2015 we released our CD “Gyre & Gimble”. It is still available for the price of €5. Interested? Send me an email!
Onetime projects
K’s Choice choir
In November 2022 I sang in a choir with Belgian rockband K’s Choice at the Stadsschouwburg in Utrecht, the Netherlands! We rehearsed for 6 weeks, to be able to perform with them during the What You See festival.

Down the Road tv program
At the end of 2022, we were asked to participate with De Soete Inval in a tv recording for ‘Down the Road’, presented by Gordon, which was broadcast in January 2023 on SBS6. In the program, some young people with Down syndrome were surprised with a medieval banquet, for which we were to provide the music!